Wednesday 19 March 2008

What is OJD?

If you already know the answer then you probably have it. OJD stands for Obssesive Jonas Disorder and if you are not sure whether you have caught it yet then here are the signs:

1. You know pretty much all the lyrics to all their songs.
2. You have a wall in your bedroom dedicated to them.
3. You spend hours online finding videos, interviews and photos of the boys.
4. You watch shows that you've never watched before just because they're on it.
5. You use phrases like OMJ and Poned! on the daily basis.
6. You use their lyrics to describe how you feel (e.g. It's like I'm walking on broken glass)
7. They're your friends on Myspace or Youtube.
8. You celebrate their birthdays (even Frankie's)
9. You cry when you hear Hello Beautiful or A Little Bit Longer.
10. You have either been to a concert or watched their concerts online.
11. They're your ringtone, desktop wallpaper or myspace layout.
12. You have listened to all of Nick's solo album.
13. You practically know everything about them e.g. favourite colour, songs and flavour ice-cream.
14. You love all the Jonas Brothers equally.
15. You know their full names and nicknames.
16. You cannot wait until J.O.N.A.S
17. You have marked the air date of Camp Rock on your calendar.
18. You have already saved up for their next album.
19. You know all their lines from their Hannah Montana episode.
20. Everyone you know knows you love the Jonas Brothers- and you make sure of it!

If you answered yes to all of the above then you definitely have OJD if you answered yes to at least 10 then you are well on your way.
If you answered yes to less than 10, keep checking out the site and soon you will be a proud patient of OJD!

The cure- keep voting for them at and calling your radio stations requesting their songs

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